Specific Chiropractic Adjustments
The concept of Chiropractic begins with a basic biomechanical principle of physics. A foundational theory is very important in Chiropractic because we all know a solid foundation is what will give support and stability to anything being built and it applies to the body as well. The body’s foundation is formed by the pelvic girdle. When this bony structure consisting of hip bones and the lower bones of the back is level, there will be maximum balance and stability in the spinal column. When the pelvic girdle or any of the vertebrae in the spinal column become tilted or rotated out of their proper position, dramatic changes may occur in the body through the nervous system to the muscular system and above and below the area of concern.
Chiropractors call this condition a SUBLUXATION when it results in the pinching or compressing of the nerves that run through that particular area. These compressed nerves often become inflamed and impede the proper transmission of impulses to the section of the body controlled by these nerves. A seemingly endless list of ailments and pain may be brought about by these subluxations.
For complete and lasting results with treatment, all of the misaligned vertebrae must be identified and then a program can be created and initiated to restore them to their normal position and movement pattern. Sometimes, certain injuries can cause recovery to take longer than others depending on the severity, but also the length of time the subluxation was present in the body and how long the body had to learn to compensate around that area. Compensations can be like onion layers and build upon each other and do take time to retrace back through these altered movement patterns and to correct the tensegrity balance of the spine.
Dry Needling
Dry needling lesions in the soft tissue is a therapeutic modality for soft tissue dysfunction. Soft tissue dysfunction involves soft tissue injuries including tissue inflammation, sensitized nerve tissue, scar tissue formation, tissue adhesion, and deficiency of blood and lymphatic circulation. The process of inserting a needle starts with puncturing the skin, and then involves physical stretching the tissues (down and up, and /or rotation movement of needle shaft), which creates lesions in the soft tissue. When the needle is removed, the lesions can remain for a few days. Needling process thus provides both physical (tissue stretching) and biochemical (lesions) stimuli.
This lesion-induced process activates physiological mechanisms of remodeling of injured and inflamed soft tissues in and around the needling site. The tissue remodeling process includes (1) local physical stress reduction (tissue tension) and (2) normalizing local inflammation, and (3) replacement of injured tissues with fresh tissues of the same type.
Muscles have many different fibers and as fibers become restricted in motion through injury or chronic stimulation, such as athletics and training, they build up toxins and fascial restriction. With this technique, a stainless-steel instrument and specific technique are used to identify areas of adhesion that can be improved. The instrument and movement technique are used in combination to stretch and relax the muscle tissues, which helps increase blood flow and restore more normal movement patterns in injured tissues.
Dry Cupping
Cupping therapy is a decompressive modality used in many clinics for treating painful musculoskeletal issues using suction to lift the skin and ideally the fascia around the muscles. The quoted benefits to Dry Cupping are pain and inflammation reduction, a sedation of the nervous system, an increase of circulation to the treated area, a softening of adhesions and stiff connective tissue, drainage of toxins and waste from the lymphatic system and the ability to impact deeper, more hard-to-reach muscles and other soft tissues.
Myofascial Release
Muscles have many different fibers and as fibers become restricted in motion through injury or chronic stimulation, such as athletics and training, they build up toxins and fascial restriction. With this technique, a stainless-steel instrument and specific technique are used to identify areas of adhesion that can be improved. The instrument and movement technique are used in combination to stretch and relax the muscle tissues, which helps increase blood flow and restore more normal movement patterns in injured tissues.
Exercise Rehabilitation
Exercise Rehab is a crucial part of today’s care in many clinics across the world. We are realizing through much research that restoring proper movement patterns to the body’s systems will dramatically improvement healing results and make them long lasting. Although, without restoring proper movement back to the joints associated with specific adjustments, you will not have the same results.
Just because a movement pattern hurts does not mean you should completely avoid it. Learn why it hurts and learn how to correct and adapt that movement pattern to prevent that tissue overload again and prevent a continuous nagging injury or worse another injury in an area of compensation down the kinetic chain.
Pain is just an alarm, not a stop sign and it is encouraging us to make a change in what we’re currently doing. Our brains have all the capabilities to make these changes and this is shown through the concept of Neuroplasticity, we just need direction and guidance to complete this change and that’s where having a trained professional is so important.